Attack of the Rubber Ducks!

The six-story-high version of the childhood bathtub favorite was set adrift in Victoria harbor prior to Hong Kong's "Art Week". While the annual art fair anchors the festivities, it is also the time of year that the city puts on its best cultural works and events... and this year, the most talked about "cultural work" was the giant rubber duck floating next to the Star Ferry Pier. Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman came up with the concept (officially called "Spreading Joy Around the World") to try and create a catalyst to connect people to public art.

Not only has the rubber duck brought happiness and joy... but it has also lead to the "Rubber Duck Stimulus". Since May 2 (the day it first arrived), rubber duck mania has ensued... attracting hundreds of thousands of people from the region and prompting businesses to launch a seemingly endless supply of duck-related products. I'm not quite sure why the rubber duck has been such a hit in Hong Kong (has already made appearances in nine other countries around the world without as much fanfare). However, it gave the city a little boost, just as it needed something.

Apparently, the rubber duck has already been knocked off by several cities in China. If you want the real rubber duck, you have to wait and see where the dutch artist takes it next.

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